Intensive weekend course for 14–18-year-old advanced dance students on 4–5 June – registration is open

13 April 2022

The Helsinki International Ballet Competition and the Association of Dance Institutes in Finland STOPP offer a unique chance to train with international teachers in the exciting and inspiring atmosphere of the ballet competition.

The two-day intensive course will be organized at the Finnish National Opera and Ballet from 4–5 June 2022: Saturday 4 June at 1pm–5pm and Sunday 5 June at 11am–4pm.

The course is for 14–18-year-old dance students with at least five years of previous training in classical ballet. The weekend consists of ballet classes by Nina Ananiashvili and Julio Bocca, floor barre class by Ophélie Rodighiero, strength training with Asla Jääskeläinen and Henrik Burman, and information about pointe shoes.

The participation fee is 200€ including tickets for the final rounds of the Helsinki International Ballet Competition on 4 and 5 June at 7pm on the Main Stage.

Register by 15 May:

The registered participants will receive a confirmation letter, weekend schedule and additional information by 18 May.

In collaboration with the Association of Dance Institutes in Finland STOPP